Create your own space with cedar pieces and their benefits

Due to its special structure, cedar wood perfectly isolates sounds and eliminates echo.

Research has confirmed that cedar has a positive effect on immunity and well-being, and has a calming effect.

Cedar fills spaces with the delicate aroma of natural essential oils. This gives the interior a unique sensational effect.

Cedar wood is rich in natural oils, so the wood is resistant to rotting, insect breeding, and has greater resistance to moisture.

Due to its straight and grainy structure, cedar wood does not warp or shrink.

Due to its structure, cedar wood is exceptionally light, making it particularly suitable for the implementation of complex projects.

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green pine tree
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person in gray hoodie standing on brown dirt road during daytime

Like a walk in the woods, cedar soothes the soul. The earthy smell of cedar wood is believed to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. In fact, there is scientific truth here as well. Cedrol alcohol, which is found in conifer oils, acts as a sedative to help you feel calmer.

Cedar is a dry, lively, woody note that gives structure and elegance to the fragrance. It can permeate the entire fragrance from top to base notes. He can be considered a teacher of composition.

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selective focus photography of pine tree


Each block of wood is carefully cut, polished, and polished. With its pattern and color, it becomes a unique unit, thanks to which we can turn art into a work.

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